You may notice that there are many important terms and phrases relating to the football betting world. Of course, these aren’t words that you will have come across without having participated in sports betting before. To add to this, there are multiple different bets that you can place, and these all have a different meaning, as well as a different requirement for winning them. Reading through this page will allow you to learn about some of the most common phrases you’ll come across.
So, to find out what backing and laying mean, what cashback and moneyback mean or what arbitrage and equivalent are explained as, this is the right place to be.
Results for the letter "k":
Kelly Criterium
The Kelly criterion is a mathematical formula relating to the long-term growth of capital developed by John L. Kelly, Jr. The formula was developed by Kelly while working at AT&T's Bell Laboratories. The formula is currently used by gamblers and investors for risk and money management purposes, to determine what percentage of their bankroll/capital should be used in each bet/trade to maximize long-term growth.
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